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Yields1 ServingPrep Time5 minsTotal Time5 mins

This grab and go breakfast only takes minutes to make and is so creamy and satisfying. (vegan, gluten free)

Yield: 1 serving
 ½ cup Greek yogurt (of your choice- I use vanilla 0% greek yogurt) Can also use almond yogurt or coconut cream for vegan option
 1 tsp honey
 ½ cup frozen fruit (my fav is wild frozen blueberries)
 ½ cup quick or large flake oats
 ½ tsp cinnamon powder
 1 cup almond milk (may add more for desired consistency)
 1 tbsp black chia seeds
 Topping options: granola, mini chocolate chips, more fruit, bran buds, or coconut whipped cream

Combine all ingredients in a covered container. Mix until combined.


Refrigerate overnight and it’s ready to grab and go in the morning.


Top it with your favourite toppings! I top mine with a couple mini chocolate chips, granola,1 tbsp bran buds and a bit more milk.